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Tag: antidepressants

How antidepressants have taken over 8 million British lives in one harrowing chart

Posted: June 19, 2023 at 10:21 am   /   Health

The number of antidepressant drug items prescribed in England increased by more than ten percent during the two years following the start of the pandemic. Daily Express :: Health Feed

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Matthew Wolfenden health: Emmerdale actor took ‘antidepressants for eight years’

Posted: December 5, 2020 at 9:21 am   /   Health

MATTHEW WOLFENDEN visited the Yorkshire Dales in 2006 playing the character of David Metcalfe on Emmerdale. Fast forward 14 years, and he hasn’t left since. On a personal note, though, he began his soap journey taking antidepressants. Daily Express :: Health Feed

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Health fears as GPs WRONGLY give antidepressants to menopausal women

Posted: January 28, 2020 at 9:23 pm   /   Health

Hundreds of thousands of menopausal women are being prescribed antidepressants because poorly trained GPs are misdiagnosing their symptoms, campaigners warn. Women often suffer anxiety and mood swings as they reach the menopause but doctors are mistaking a hormonal imbalance for a mental health problem. Daily Express :: Health Feed

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Prescriptions for antidepressants cost NHS more than £750,000 per day

Posted: February 11, 2017 at 9:23 pm   /   Health

ANTIDEPRESSANT prescriptions have risen to more than 60 million a year costing, the NHS a record £780,000 a day, an investigation has found. Daily Express :: Health Feed

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Children of mums who take anti-depressants during pregnancy could have speech difficulties

Posted: October 13, 2016 at 5:22 am   /   Health

MOTHERS-to-be who take anti-depressant pills during pregnancy are more likely to have children who suffer language disorders, according to new research. Daily Express :: Health Feed

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