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Tag: ‘backstop’

Pension warning as Britons could run out of money – state pension an ‘essential backstop’

Posted: May 18, 2022 at 10:22 pm   /   Business

BRITONS could run out of money in retirement, a study has warned, with the state pension providing a vital safety net. Daily Express :: Finance Feed

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Brexit breakthrough as stubborn EU finally caves on backstop – Boris set for major victory

Posted: October 1, 2019 at 10:13 am   /   Entertainment

EUROPEAN UNION governments are considering offering Boris Johnson a time-limit to the controversial Northern Ireland backstop. Daily Express :: News Feed

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You need to move! Boris demands stubborn EU drop the backstop to secure Brexit deal

Posted: September 16, 2019 at 10:21 am   /   Top Stories

BORIS JOHNSON has warned European Union leaders they will still need to budge further if they are to stand a chance of striking a Brexit deal. Daily Express :: News Feed

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Brexit shock: Merkel backs down over 30-day backstop deadline – ‘It was an allegory!’

Posted: August 22, 2019 at 10:18 am   /   Top Stories

ANGELA Merkel has backtracked on her 30-day Brexit ultimatum to Boris Johnson and insisted she was speaking figuratively when it appeared she had set the Prime Minister a deadline to come up with and alternative to the Irish backstop. Daily Express :: News Feed

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It has to go! Boris Johnson tells Angela Merkel to scrap backstop to strike a Brexit deal

Posted: August 21, 2019 at 10:13 am   /   Entertainment

BORIS JOHNSON ordered Angela Merkel this evening to scrap the Northern Irish backstop as he makes his first foreign trip as Prime Minister. Daily Express :: News Feed

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Jeremy Hunt vows to be Brexit DEAL MAKER with the EU and find SOLUTION to Irish backstop

Posted: June 8, 2019 at 10:19 pm   /   Top Stories

JEREMY HUNT has vowed to make “Britain walk tall in the world again” by seizing the opportunity offered by Brexit. Daily Express :: News Feed

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Barnier willing to SCRAP Brexit backstop – but only after new PM agrees to withdrawal deal

Posted: June 7, 2019 at 10:23 am   /   Top Stories

BRUSSELS negotiator Michel Barnier today promised to find an alternative to the hated Irish backstop – but insisted Britain’s next prime minister must first stomach Theresa May’s border plan. Daily Express :: News Feed

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Barnier offers Britain ‘unilateral backstop exit’ but UK must ABANDON Northern Ireland

Posted: March 8, 2019 at 9:13 am   /   Entertainment

BRUSSELS negotiator Michel Barnier today revealed that he offered Britain a unilateral exit from the Irish backstop in an angry response to Theresa May’s Grimsby speech made this morning. Daily Express :: News Feed

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EU panics as Barnier REFUSES to put time limit on Brexit backstop ‘I’m very worried’

Posted: March 2, 2019 at 9:18 am   /   Top Stories

PANICKING European Union diplomats have revealed they are “very worried” about whether Theresa May will secure the legally binding changes to the controversial backstop demanded by Brexiteers. Daily Express :: News Feed

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Brexit talks to go DOWN TO THE WIRE as Brussels pledges last-ditch backstop compromise

Posted: February 12, 2019 at 9:19 pm   /   Top Stories

BRUSSELS intends to help out Theresa May in Brexit negotiations until the end of March which will conclude in legally-binding assurances on the backstop. Daily Express :: News Feed

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