Remove fake tan stains from bed sheets with popular 85p drink – no harsh chemicals
If you plan on fake tanning during the colder months, you can run the risk of leaving your bed sheets in a mess – but there’s a cheap way of getting rid of the stains. Daily Express :: Style Feed
Cancer: The four cooking oils shown to ‘release’ toxic chemicals linked to the disease
THE INCIDENCE of cancer is growing rapidly, owing partly to staff shortages and coronavirus disruptions delaying diagnoses. But with no cure in sight, managing the risk factors may offer the best hope of averting the disease. Some research suggests that cooking with vegetable oils may be more dangerous than using saturated fats, like butter and […]
Flight secrets: The chemicals found on every flight that will save your life
FLIGHT secrets have revealed the secret mix of chemicals that are found on a plane, unbeknownst to passengers, that are made to save a life in an emergency. Daily Express :: Travel Feed
Cancer warning: Cooking with this type of oil releases toxic chemicals linked to disease
CANCER is a disease where cells in the body grow out of control. Signs and symptoms differ depending on where in the body you have a growth. Certain things have been found to increase risk of the disease developing, including cooking your food in a certain oil. Daily Express :: Health Feed
STRONG BRITAIN: Trade deficit falls as exports of cars and chemicals SOAR
BRITAIN’S trade deficit with the rest of the world has narrowed, amid a surge in exports of UK machinery, gold, cars and chemicals, official data has showed. Daily Express :: Finance Feed
E-CIGARETTE WARNING: Just ONE puff can expose cancer causing chemicals
ONE puff of a flavoured e-cigarette can expose a smoker to cancer causing chemicals that are more than 250 times the recommended safety level, say scientists. Daily Express :: Health Feed
Are CHEMICALS found in food packaging making us FAT?
CHEMICALS found in food packaging could contribute to WEIGHT GAIN, a shocking study has revealed. Daily Express :: Health Feed