Hope of a simple jab each year to cut cholesterol
A SIMPLE annual injection could become the most effective way of lowering cholesterol, scientists claim. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Heart attack cure – THESE drugs can reduce your risk AND tackle high cholesterol
HEART attacks can be a symptom of heart disease. However, experts have now reveal statins, a group of medicines which are prescribed by GPs to lower the level of bad – or LDL – cholesterol in the blood, can also reduce risk. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Air pollution damages ‘good’ cholesterol ‘leading to heart attacks and strokes’
AIR pollution causes heart attacks and strokes by damaging our ‘good cholesterol’- with women suffering even more than men, according to new research. Daily Express :: Health Feed

THIS could cause a sudden heart attack – and it’s not cholesterol or high blood pressure
HEART attacks are usually caused by high cholesterol and high blood pressure. However researchers have investigated a different type of heart attack which mainly affect young people – and affects up to 1,000 people a year in the UK. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Eating EGGS can protect against HEART DISEASE and increase ‘good cholesterol’
EGGS are a staple part of most people’s weekly shopping basket but a lot of confusion remains over whether people should actually be eating them. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Cholesterol test: What are the numbers on your reading REALLY telling you?
HIGH cholesterol puts patients at risk of developing heart disease and cardiovascular disease, but few people know what it means to have a healthy cholesterol. Daily Express :: Health Feed

More protein than an egg and low in salt: Could THIS ‘miracle’ food REDUCE cholesterol?
GARLIC can make a reasonable claim to have been the very first superfood – according to some Egyptian labourers building the pyramids and Greek athletes both believed eating garlic would increase their strength and stamina. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Fancy a brew? Tea can ‘cut cholesterol’ and reduce risk of heart disease, say experts
TEA is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world after water and has been drunk in the UK for more than 400 years. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Desperate to lower your cholesterol? FORGET statins..THIS everyday food has amazing effect
IT’S a vital ingredient in thousands of British dishes – but the health benefits of the humble garlic should not be underestimated. Daily Express :: Health Feed

New 30p drug to slash cholesterol without any side effects ‘just months away’
A NEW cholesterol-busting pill clears clogged arteries without the distressing side effects of statins, research has shown. Daily Express :: Health Feed