What is bronchitis? Chronic lung infection can cause dangerous pneumonia
BRONCHITIS is an infection of the lungs – which can cause them to become inflamed and can produce a cough which lasts for months. Daily Express :: Health Feed

What is rheumatoid arthritis? Chronic condition is caused by your OWN immune system
RHEUMATOID arthritis is a long-term condition that causes pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints and mainly affects the hands feet and wrists. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Department of Education: Chronic Absenteeism Spreading
(Photo: Flick, Creative Commons) According to new data from the US Department of Education, chronic absenteeism is affecting students in all parts of the country, including students of all races and ethnicities and students with disabilities. The new data, the first ever to collect such information on a national level, found that over 6 million, […]

Rising toll of chronic disease in the over-50s
MORE people over 50 than ever have two or more chronic illnesses – increasing pressure on the NHS. Daily Express :: Health Feed

White House’s ‘Every Student, Every Day’ Tackles Chronic Absenteeism
The Obama administration has announced a new campaign focused on addressing the problem of chronic absenteeism in the nation’s schools. Research has shown that students who are absent over 10% of the year, or about 18 days in most school districts, are set up to struggle academically and many drop out completely. Chronic absenteeism is […]