Roman Polanski extradition BLOCKED by Polish Supreme Court over sex with 13-year-old girl
ROMAN POLANSKI will not be extradited to the US to face prosecution for having sex with a 13-year-old girl, after the Polish Supreme Court defied its own government. Daily Express :: Films Feed
Pound hits two-month high against dollar amid economy strength and Brexit court case
THE pound has reached its highest level against the US dollar since September, as the Supreme Court hears the Government’s appeal over Brexit and investors hope the case could delay Britain’s triggering of Article 50. Daily Express :: Finance Feed
Protests descend into chaos after police officer who shot black man walks FREE from court
FURIOUS protesters took to the streets of Charlotte last night as it was announced the black police officer who shot Keith Lamont Scott walked free away from court. Daily Express :: World Feed
Brexit court challenge raises ‘difficult and delicate issues’ says Lady Hale
ONE of the Supreme Court justices who is due to hear the Brexit appeal next month has spoken of the “difficult and delicate issues” raised by the case. Daily Express :: News Feed
Labour MP vows to use High Court ruling to force SECOND EU referendum on UK public
A LEADING Labour MP today vowed to use a High Court ruling blocking the Government from triggering Brexit without Parliament’s approval to force through a second EU referendum. Daily Express :: News Feed
Kansas Supreme Court Hears Teacher Job Protection Arguments
(Photo: Flickr, Creative Commons) Two years ago, Kansas lawmakers took away teachers’ job protection, but this week the Kansas Supreme Court reviewed the legislation to determine whether the state constitution was violated when the action was handed down. The 20,000 member Kansas National Education Association believes that the Kansas Legislature overstepped its authority when it created […]
Virginia School Asks Supreme Court to Intervene on Bathrooms
(Photo: Flickr, Creative Commons) The Gloucester County, Virginia school board has requested that the Supreme Court find that the US Department of Education does not have the authority to mandate that public schools must allow transgender pupils to use the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity. The appeal is being made as school districts nationwide […]
California Supreme Court Upholds Teacher Tenure Laws
(Photo: Flickr, Creative Commons) The California Supreme Court has voted 4-3 in a decision that allowed the teacher tenure law in the state to remain in effect. The high court decided it will not be reviewing a lower court ruling that kept tenure and other job protections for teachers in place. That ruling was the […]