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Tag: customs

Four human skulls wrapped in aluminium foil found by customs in airport package

Posted: January 1, 2023 at 9:13 am   /   Entertainment

Customs officials at an airport in Mexico were given a grim surprise – finding four human skulls in a package as it passed through an X-ray machine. Daily Express :: News Feed

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No deal CHAOS: France suffers customs meltdown as hard Brexit panic erupts

Posted: September 4, 2019 at 10:26 am   /   World

FRANCE is suffering from a no-deal Brexit crisis as authorities desperately scramble to ready themselves for Britain leaving the European Union without an agreement. Daily Express :: World Feed

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Macron and Merkel to bully Boris into Brexit customs union with ‘good cop, bad cop’ ploy

Posted: August 21, 2019 at 10:18 pm   /   Top Stories

ANGELA MERKEL’s offer to find a compromise to solve the Northern Irish border conundrum within 30 days was part of a European Union tactic to force the UK into a post-Brexit customs union, sources last night revealed. Daily Express :: News Feed

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BREXIT WARNING: Turkey FURIOUS over customs union deal – ‘It is BUCKLING UNDER STRAIN’

Posted: May 21, 2019 at 10:19 am   /   World

THERESA May is playing with fire by considering the idea of keeping Britain in a customs union with the EU – with one Turkish analyst warning his country’s deal with Brussels was “eroding” 23 years after being signed. Daily Express :: World Feed

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Brexit BETRAYAL AVERTED: MPs vote AGAINST customs union – ‘Hard Brexit nearly inevitable’

Posted: April 1, 2019 at 10:19 pm   /   Top Stories

MPs have marginally rejected a motion for Britain to remain in a customs union with the EU by just three votes, but Guy Verhofstadt immediately warned a “hard Brexit becomes nearly inevitable”. Daily Express :: News Feed

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BREXIT BOMBSHELL: Customs union membership is now ‘basis for the future’ – May agrees deal

Posted: November 13, 2018 at 9:13 pm   /   Entertainment

THERESA May has risked infuriating Brexiteers by allowing customs union membership to become the “basis of the future relationship” with European Union in a move that may see Britain locked to Brussels permanently. Daily Express :: News Feed

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‘May will get Brexit through Parliament!’ Farage predicts EU customs union deal SUCCESS

Posted: November 5, 2018 at 9:19 pm   /   Top Stories

NIGEL Farage believes Theresa May’s Brexit deal will make it though Parliament and the UK will leave the European Union at 11pm on March 29, despite the “detail meaning we haven’t really”. Daily Express :: News Feed

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Pound euro exchange rate: GBP firm despite Brexit customs plan rebuke

Posted: July 28, 2018 at 10:22 pm   /   Business

THE pound is hovering close to its opening levels against the euro today, with one pound currently trading at a rate of €1.125. Sterling is holding its ground so far today despite the news that Theresa May’s Brexit customs proposal is not likely to be accepted by the EU. Daily Express :: Finance Feed

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‘Don’t BETRAY Britain’ Boris Johnson issues dire warning to May in EU customs union row

Posted: May 20, 2018 at 10:13 pm   /   Entertainment

BORIS Johnson last night dramatically warned Theresa May her post-Brexit customs plan must not lead to a “betrayal” of the referendum vote to quit the EU. In a fresh salvo in the Cabinet squabble over future ties to Brussels, the Foreign Secretary publicly signalled his lack of enthusiasm for the so-called “backstop” proposal being floated […]

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‘There will be REBELLION’ PM WARNED by REMAINER trying to SHACKLE UK to customs union

Posted: May 19, 2018 at 10:18 pm   /   Top Stories

THERESA May faces a rebellion in the House of Commons if she fails to extend the UK’s membership of the EU’s customs union to give the UK Government sufficient time to develop an effective long-term customs arrangement, a former minister has warned. Daily Express :: News Feed

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