Russia’s high-profile defector hoping to defeat Putin- ‘I could not be part of this crime’
A HIGH PROFILE Russian banker has turned against his homeland and joined forces with Ukraine after admitting he “could not be part of” Putin’s invasion efforts. Daily Express :: World Feed

North Korean defector hits out at woke brigade: ‘Even Kim isn’t this crazy!’
A NORTH KOREAN defector, who fled the communist dictatorship aged just 13, has hit out at the “woke culture” she’s faced since moving to the West. Daily Express :: World Feed

Kim Jong-un alive and NOT giving up power to sister warns defector – ‘Not in her interest’
KIM JONG-UN is very much alive and clinging to power in North Korea, according to a defector and her sources. Daily Express :: World Feed

Kim Jong-un alive and NOT giving up power to sister warns defector – ‘Not in her interest’
KIM JONG-UN is very much alive and clinging to power in North Korea, according to a defector and her sources. Daily Express :: News Feed

North Korean defector reveals the horrific truth about Kim Jong-un’s ‘torture camps’
JUNG GWANG-IL, a North Korean defector, has spoken vividly about the torture he suffered whilst imprisoned in one of North Korea’s most notorious prison camps. Daily Express :: World Feed

End of Kim Jong: North Korea defector shock PREDICTION – Korea will RISE UP & DESTROY him
A NORTH KOREAN defector has predicted Kim Jong-un’s regime will come to an end as elites’ loyalty is plummeting and will continue to do so. Daily Express :: World Feed

North Korean defector reveals CRAZED Kim’s regime ‘won’t let people talk about sex’
CRAZED North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has stopped people talking about sex or watching porn, a defector from the secretive state has revealed. Daily Express :: World Feed