REVEALED: Best diet to help you achieve WEIGHT LOSS and PEAK HEALTH
FORGET the fads, experts declare this diet the best overall for weight loss and high fitness levels. Daily Express :: Health Feed

How to live ‘appily’ ever after: The best apps for fitness, diet, dating and more
THE DAYS when a phone was used to call or send the odd text or email are long gone. Daily Express :: Tech Feed

Mediterranean diet with wine can help beat dementia
A DIET which includes a daily glass of wine that could halve the risk of Alzheimer’s has been hailed as the easiest to follow. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Let’s get physical: Our pick of diet and fitness books for a fresh start
WANT to get in shape in 2016? Caroline Sanderson picks diet and fitness books to transform your life. Daily Express :: Books Feed

Woman who devoured packet of Oreos A DAY sheds half her bodyweight with THIS diet
EATING a packet of Oreos a day was no bother for formerly obese Melissa Nelson, who’s now shed over half her bodyweight. Daily Express :: Style Feed

You are what your dad eats: father’s diet before a child is born determines future health
EVIDENCE suggests that a father’s lifestyle before they have kids influences the health of their future generations. Daily Express :: Health Feed

MEN more likely to die from DIABETES because they’re too stubborn to diet, warn experts
HEALTH experts have found men ‘too macho to diet’ are putting themselves at great risk. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Weight Loss And Diet Tips From A Normal Person Who Has Actually Done It
Weight loss tips are tossed about like crazy but how many people do you know that have actually done it and stuck with it successfully? (Keep in mind I’m not a health expert and this is only my personal experience.) In a related report by The Inquisitr, some supposed weight loss gurus are recommending the […]