Channel 5’s GPs Behind Closed Doors: Doctor prescribes UNUSUAL treatment to cure back pain
GPs Behind Closed Doors on Channel 5 heard from a patient with back pain symptoms and the doctor prescribed him a very unconventional treatment to cure it. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Behind closed doors: Routine diabetes check-up reveals HIDDEN condition
A WOMAN went to her GP for a diabetes check-up but came out with a different diagnosis to deal with. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Pain in your forearm and difficulty opening doors? It could be a symptom of tennis elbow
IT’S not only professional tennis players at this year’s Wimbledon who can be affected by the aptly- named tennis elbow – a common condition cause by strenuous over use of the muscles and tendons of the forearm. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Live review: Band of Skulls blow the doors off a quiet London pub
IF YOU don’t particularly value your hearing, watching Band of Skulls perform in a small London pub is a great way to spend an evening. Daily Express :: Music Feed

That’s got to hurt! Commuter yelps as train doors violently slam shut on his PENIS
THERE IS a reason they tell you to ‘mind the doors’. Daily Express :: Life & Style Feed