Flight attendant reveals secret about passengers who order fizzy drinks on a plane
A FLIGHT attendant has revealed what they used to do to passengers who ordered a fizzy drink, thanks to how hard they are to serve inflight. Daily Express :: Travel Feed

Avoid sugar for a longer life: Fizzy drinks and sweets ‘have major role in disease’
PEOPLE could live longer and healthier lives if they were simply told to avoid sugar, according to new research. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Health warning: Two fizzy drinks a week increases heart disease, diabetes and stroke risk
DRINKING just two cans of fizzy pop a week can increase the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke, scientists warned today. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Diet drinks and fizzy water may make you gain weight, claims study
SPARKLING water and diet soft drinks could cause people to pile on the pounds rather than lose weight, a study says. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Diet fizzy drink WARNING: Daily drinkers are ‘more likely to suffer a stroke or dementia’
PEOPLE who drink ‘diet’ versions of fizzy drinks every day are three times more likely to suffer a stroke or develop dementia, warns new research. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Parents ‘must get tough over fizzy drinks’, says NHS England Chief
PARENTS must show “tough love” to stop children gorging on fizzy drinks and junk food as if it was Christmas every day, the head of the NHS said yesterday. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Fizzy drinks SHOULD have sugar teaspoon content on labels, say council bosses
FIZZY drinks should have the number of teaspoons of sugar they contain clearly marked on the label, council bosses have said. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Sugar in fizzy drinks and snacks INCREASE chances of breast cancer, scientists claim
A COMMON sugar found in food and drink including Coke, ketchup, cereal bars and biscuits could be driving breast cancer, scientists warn. Daily Express :: Health Feed

MPs back Jamie Oliver’s fizzy drinks tax
A POWERFUL committee of MPs has thrown its weight behind plans to slap a tax on fizzy drinks in a bid to tackle the epidemic of childhood obesity. Daily Express :: Life & Style Feed

MPs back Jamie Oliver’s fizzy drinks tax
A POWERFUL committee of MPs has thrown its weight behind plans to slap a tax on fizzy drinks in a bid to tackle the epidemic of childhood obesity. Daily Express :: Health Feed