Tag: invalid
Passports: Why your passport photo will be invalid if you smile – what are picture rules?
Posted: March 17, 2019 at 10:20 pm / Travel
PASSPORTS are a hot topic for British travellers, especially amid Brexit uncertainty. Yet for those applying for new passports the picture regulations are strict, including a ban on showing your teeth when smiling. Just what are the rules Daily Express :: Travel Feed
Brexit: Could your EHIC card be invalid post-2019? How your health may not be protected
Posted: April 7, 2018 at 10:20 pm / Travel
BREXIT – which will happen on March 29 next year – has left a few things in the travel industry up in the air regarding UK rights, with one behind the European Health Insurance Card . Could Britons be left without free urgent health care in Europe? Daily Express :: Travel Feed