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Tag: Irexit

Working for UK! Brussels on alert as Irexit momentum builds –’big debate’ swirls in Dublin

Posted: June 18, 2021 at 10:13 am   /   Entertainment

A EUROSCEPTIC Labour Peer has claimed Ireland could leave the European Union after Brexit gave the UK “a sense of freedom”. Daily Express :: News Feed

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‘Take back control – it’s time for IREXIT’ New Irish party calls for Ireland to leave EU

Posted: September 3, 2018 at 10:23 am   /   World

A NEW Irish political party will campaign for the Republic of Ireland to leave the EU, inspired by the successful Brexit movement. Daily Express :: World Feed

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Ireland NAILS flag to EU mast – shock poll shows COLLAPSE of Farage’s Irexit campaign

Posted: May 10, 2018 at 10:13 pm   /   Entertainment

IRELAND has nailed its flag well and truly to the European Union mast, with a new poll revealing overwhelming support for remaining the bloc – despite an ‘Irexit’ campaign spearheaded by Nigel Farage. Daily Express :: News Feed

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Farage told ‘go back where you came from’ as Remainer storms Irexit speech waving EU flag

Posted: February 3, 2018 at 9:19 pm   /   Top Stories

A REMAINER waving a European Union flag stormed a speech by Nigel Farage today as the former Ukip leader told Ireland they had been “humiliated” by Brussels bosses and should follow Britain’s Brexit lead and leave. Daily Express :: News Feed

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