Classic novels questions and answers: 15 literature questions for your home pub quiz
CLASSIC novels from Jane Austen, Emily Bronte and Evelyn Waugh are loved by many – here are our picks of the best literature pub quiz questions. Daily Express :: Books Feed

London Literature Festival: Christopher Eccleston leads live reading of The Time Machine
IN A WORLD where we are all obsessed with making everything easier for ourselves, it seems somehow fitting that the London Literature Festival should begin its run with HG Wells’ classic novella, The Time Machine. Daily Express :: Books Feed

Reading Classic Literature for Fun and (Personal) Profit
(Photo: Pixabay, Creative Commons) By Sally Allen Every day around the world, thousands of people who boast little to no scholarly training in art history walk into museums. Despite this potential absence of knowledge about the proper way to interpret art, visitors are welcomed into these museums. They are, at least tacitly, encouraged to experience […]

Valentine’s Day Top 7 most swoonsome scenes and couples in literature
VALENTINE’S DAY only makes us wish life was like the greatest romances. From Rhett and Scarlett in Gone With The Wind to The Notebook, The English Patient, Outlander and Lady Chatterley’s Lover, we pick the Top 7 love affairs in literature. Daily Express :: Books Feed

‘Stop slut-shaming sexually confident women’ The Top 5 promiscuous heroines in literature
‘ORGASMS not love are happy endings’ says controversial new author Radhika Sanghani as she chooses her Top 5 promiscuous and sexually confident women in literature to celebrate her new book Not That Easy. Daily Express :: Books Feed