Scientists develop new drug to counter effects of fast food on liver
A TREATMENT which reverses the liver damage caused by a diet high in sugar and processed foods has been developed by scientists. Daily Express :: Health Feed
Liver damage and alcohol: How do you know if you have symptomless cirrhosis?
CIRRHOSIS – is long-term liver damage that can eventually lead to liver failure and even increase the risk of cancer. Daily Express :: Health Feed
Hepatitis symptoms: EYES turning this colour could be a sign of liver disease
HEPATITIS is inflammation of the liver, and a type of liver disease. Loss of appetite, yellowing of the eyes and skin, and memory problems are just some of the key symptoms. Daily Express :: Health Feed
Coffee could protect against cancer: Caffeine kick ‘SLASHES risk of liver cancer’
DRINKING more coffee could halve the risk of developing cancer, new research suggests. Daily Express :: Health Feed
Liver disease CURE: Man finds natural way to REVERSE dangerous condition linked to obesity
A MAN diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease – a condition which can be caused by obesity – has reversed the condition and managed to lose five stone in 16 weeks. Daily Express :: Health Feed
Liver disease: Eastenders transplant storyline highlights danger of alcohol misuse
LIVER transplants have been highlighted by an Eastenders storyline featuring Phil Mitchell, played by Steve McFadden, who has been suffering with alcohol-related liver disease – where the liver becomes scarred because of years of persistent alcohol misuse. Daily Express :: Health Feed
Liver disease NEWS: Incurable condition linked to ulcerative COLITIS could be treated
PRIMARY sclerosing cholangitis is a rare for of liver disease which is commonly associated with chronic ulcerative colitis – but there is currently no effective treatment for patients. Daily Express :: Health Feed
Liver cancer breakthrough: Drinking coffee ‘reduce risk’ of developing killer disease
COFFEE can reduce the risk of developing liver cancer, experts have revealed in a new scientific review – with research suggesting the benefits could be greater the more they drink. Daily Express :: Health Feed
Hepatitis warning: Man suffers liver condition after drinking FIVE energy drinks a day
DRINKING too many energy drinks could cause acute hepatitis – a condition which causes an inflammation of the liver – medics have warned. Daily Express :: Health Feed
Mum of baby who went through liver transplant: Her donor gave us back hope
WHILE baby Tiffany awaited a liver transplant, her determined mum Dee knew there was another way… Daily Express :: Health Feed