Skincare fans find nifty way to get £130 of No7 skincare for under £50 this weekend
The Star Gift offers a huge saving already – but there’s an extra code to get it even cheaper. Daily Express :: Style Feed

Martin Lewis reveals ‘nifty trick’ – hundreds of thousands could now get 50% savings BOOST
MARTIN LEWIS addressed a whole host of financial matters during The Martin Lewis Money Show Live last night. Among them was a “silver lining” for hundreds of thousands of Britons during the coronavirus crisis. Daily Express :: Finance Feed

iPad Pro challenged by brand-new Huawei tablet with a nifty design trick
APPLE’s esteemed iPad Pro could be challenged by a new tablet from Huawei with a nifty design trick. Here’s what the Chinese tech giant might be working on… Daily Express :: Tech Feed

Flights: Avoid excess baggage charges with this nifty trick for hold luggage
FLIGHTS often have strict, and varying, hand and hold baggage restrictions which can catch Britons out if they want to bring home a plethora of souvenirs. For UK travellers who simply can’t pack light, a new trick has come to light. Daily Express :: Travel Feed

Hand luggage: This nifty travel hack will help you beat carry on baggage restrictions
HAND luggage packing can be tricky when trying to fit everything you need for a holiday in one bag if you’re looking to keep costs low. There’s a trick you can use to cheat the system to make sure your bag will be allowed on board the plane. Daily Express :: Travel Feed

Halloween 2016 – Out of costume ideas? This nifty iPhone trick gives you the answer
SIRI is set to solve all your Halloween costume ideas – providing you’re willing to stretch your imagination. Daily Express :: Tech Feed