Star Wars: ‘Ewan McGregor signed up for Obi-Wan Kenobi RETURN’ – Movie or Disney Plus?
EWAN MCGREGOR is returning to Star Wars as Obi-Wan Kenobi, according to sources. But will it be for a movie or Disney Plus series? Daily Express :: Films Feed

Obi-Wan Kenobi Star Wars fan movie ANNOUNCED from creators of Han Solo A Smuggler’s Trade
OBI-WAN KENOBI is getting a Star Wars fan movie, from the creators of Han Solo A Smuggler’s Trade. Daily Express :: Films Feed

Star Wars: No Obi-Wan movie but Episode 9 CAMEO instead? ‘Ewan McGregor filming in secret’
STAR WAS 9 will feature an Obi-Wan Kenobi cameo which Ewan McGregor will ‘film in secret” after reports his separate spin-off movie was cancelled following the HanSolo flop. Daily Express :: Films Feed

Star Wars Obi-Wan movie: HUGE Ewan McGregor news plus release date
STAR WARS Obi-Wan Kenobi movie news reveals Ewan McGregor is already “in talks” and this is when filming will start. The release date is also sooner than expected. Daily Express :: Films Feed

Star Wars: Are character prequels like Obi-Wan Kenobi a good idea? Rian Johnson SPEAKS OUT
STAR WARS fans have been toying with ongoing rumours of an Obi-Wan Kenobi spin-off movie for quite some time – and Rian Johnson has told Express.co.uk what he thinks of new anthology films based on old characters. Daily Express :: Films Feed

Star Wars 9: ‘Force Awakens questions will be answered’ Knights of Ren? Obi-Wan ghost?
STAR WARS director JJ Abrams told the D23 audience in Japan “Questions from The Force Awakens will be answered” in Episode 9. Daily Express :: Films Feed

Star Wars 8 The Last Jedi new trailer LEAK: Obi-Wan Force ghost and Ahch-To battle details
STAR WARS 8 The Last Jedi’s new trailer has seen another leak, which includes details on Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Force ghost and the Battle of Ahch-To. Daily Express :: Films Feed

Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi movie CONFIRMED with Ewan McGregor at Celebration: Full details
STAR WARS CELEBRATION has announced the Obi-Wan Kenobi movie – will it star Ewan McGregor and who is the main villain? Daily Express :: Films Feed

Star Wars news: Is THIS when the Obi-Wan Kenobi spin-off will be confirmed?
STAR WARS fans were expecting an Obi-Wan Kenobi spin-off movie to be unveiled at Star Wars Celebration last week – but were left disappointed. Daily Express :: Films Feed

Star Wars latest: Which new movie is being announced at Celebration? Is it Obi-Wan?
STAR WARS CELEBRATION will announce a new spin-off movie featuring one of the biggest characters from the entire saga but is it Obi Wan, Darth Vader, Jabba, Bob Fett or Yoda? Daily Express :: Films Feed