Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s could be halted by a protein that helps hedgehogs hibernate
By injecting mice with a certain compound, scientists found neurons were protected from damage. Daily Express :: Health Feed
Chemical previously found in household products linked to Parkinson’s disease – study
Exposure to a certain chemical has been linked to the onset of Parkinson’s disease. Daily Express :: Health Feed
Parkinson’s disease breakthrough as researchers pinpoint where it could originate from
Researchers identified a “strong link” between gut bacteria and the development of the progressive brain disorder. Daily Express :: Health Feed
Jeremy Paxman is ‘sad’ to say goodbye to University Challenge as Parkinson’s progresses
A doctor spotted Jeremy Paxman’s neurological disease because of the face he pulled on University Challenge. Daily Express :: Health Feed
Michael J Fox had ‘big tremors’ but his first warning sign of Parkinson’s was more subtle
Michael J Fox has had Parkinson’s since the age of 29, but what were his first warning signs of the disease? Daily Express :: Health Feed
Parkinson’s disease symptoms: Skin condition ‘commonly found in people with the condition’
PARKINSON’S is a neurodegenerative disease where part of the brain becomes damaged over several years. Thousands of people in the UK live with the condition. However, like other neurodegenerative conditions, there is no cure. Daily Express :: Health Feed
‘I have got to fight on’: Ex-footballer on how sport helps his Parkinson’s disease
AN EX SEMI-PROFESSIONAL football player is calling on people with Parkinson’s disease to play football to help deal with the condition. Daily Express :: Health Feed
Parkinson’s disease: The way you stand up straight could be a telling sign
PARKINSON’S disease onset is around 60 years of age, on average. However, early indicators of the condition may be brushed aside as normal signs of older age, including the way you stand. Daily Express :: Health Feed
Parkinson’s disease: The signs in your vision people ‘often experience’ – symptoms
PARKINSON’S disease symptoms generally develop slowly over years, and can vary from person to person. There are several signs in your eyesight which you may notice. Daily Express :: Health Feed
Parkinson’s disease: The sign in your legs that could appear before a tremor
PARKINSON’S disease is a condition that affects the brain, and well known symptoms include problems like a tremor and stiffness that get worse over time. But other symptoms can present before this. Daily Express :: Health Feed