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Tag: Remainer

‘Look at the polls, Dominic!’ Tory Brexiteer mocks Grieve for throwing Remainer ‘tantrum’

Posted: September 11, 2019 at 10:21 am   /   Top Stories

TORY BREXITEER Nigel Evans shredded Remainer MP Dominic Grieve, claiming the former Attorney General was refusing to listen to the people after a decisive poll released today overwhelming backed Brexit. Daily Express :: News Feed

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‘The MPs are a disgrace!’ Brexiteer savages Remainer panellists in heated Jeremy Vine show

Posted: September 9, 2019 at 10:14 am   /   Entertainment

A FURIOUS BREXITEER are unleashed a fierce rebuke of Remainer panellists on the Jeremy Vine Show, by branding the MPs a “disgrace for not doing their jobs”. Daily Express :: News Feed

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Remainer plot left in tatters as EU says it won’t force Boris to delay Brexit again

Posted: September 2, 2019 at 10:13 am   /   Entertainment

EUROPEAN UNION leaders will not force Britain to extend Article 50 in order to avoid a no deal Brexit, according to the Austrian foreign minister. Daily Express :: News Feed

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Remainer plot: David Gauke names ‘only opportunity’ left for MPs to block no deal Brexit

Posted: August 29, 2019 at 10:19 am   /   Top Stories

FORMER Justice Secretary David Gauke claimed next week is the “only opportunity” Parliament will have to stop no deal Brexit, following Boris Johnson’s move to suspend Parliament next month. Daily Express :: News Feed

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Brexit Party chief takes aim at Remainer MPs – ‘A coalition of remoaning anti-democrats’

Posted: August 25, 2019 at 10:15 pm   /   Entertainment

BREXIT Party chair Richard Tice has warned any MPs against forming an anti-Brexit Government saying it would be a “coalition of remaining anti-democrats”. Daily Express :: News Feed

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Remainer Femi ridiculed for claim Theresa May’s deal ‘still on table’ above no deal Brexit

Posted: August 24, 2019 at 10:13 am   /   Entertainment

REMAIN Campaigner Femi Oluwole was ridiculed by Brexiteer Andrew Pierce after attempting to argue that Theresa May’s deal remains a more viable way to leave the EU than a no deal Brexit. Daily Express :: News Feed

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Remainer chaos: Anna Soubry admits Chuka Umunna was ‘not the person she thought he was’

Posted: August 7, 2019 at 10:18 am   /   Top Stories

ANNA SOUBRY has claimed Chuka Umunna is “not the person she thought he was” in an impassioned rant about the now Liberal Democrat MP. Daily Express :: News Feed

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Brexiteer MP brilliantly explains why Remainer Tories will not ‘thwart will of the people’

Posted: July 18, 2019 at 10:13 pm   /   Entertainment

PRO-Brexit Conservative Andrew Bridgen MP brilliantly explained how big the task in front of Remain-supporting members in Parliament truly is if they intend to “thwart the will of the British people”. Daily Express :: News Feed

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Revealed: Remainer Cabinet ministers’ secret meetings to plot SABOTAGING no deal Brexit

Posted: July 5, 2019 at 10:13 pm   /   Entertainment

REMAINER Cabinet big beasts led by Philip Hammond were last night plotting to sabotage Boris Johnson’s “do or die” promise to deliver Brexit by Halloween. Daily Express :: News Feed

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Brexit bombshell: Corbyn ‘to cave into Remainer demands and back second referendum TODAY’

Posted: June 18, 2019 at 10:18 pm   /   Top Stories

JEREMY CORBYN will today finally endorse a second referendum on any deal negotiated with the EU, according to reports. Daily Express :: News Feed

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