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Tag: Remainer

‘There will be REBELLION’ PM WARNED by REMAINER trying to SHACKLE UK to customs union

Posted: May 19, 2018 at 10:18 pm   /   Top Stories

THERESA May faces a rebellion in the House of Commons if she fails to extend the UK’s membership of the EU’s customs union to give the UK Government sufficient time to develop an effective long-term customs arrangement, a former minister has warned. Daily Express :: News Feed

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General Election ALERT: May urged to CRUSH Remainer plot to sabotage Brexit

Posted: May 1, 2018 at 10:13 pm   /   Entertainment

THERESA May is being urged to put the Tories on general election alert in a bid to crush the Remainer plot aimed at sabotaging her Brexit plans. Eurosceptic ministers have told the Prime Minister that the threat of a snap poll is needed to bring pro-EU rebels into line. Daily Express :: News Feed

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BREXIT FURY: Remainer MPs’ report is shocking attempt to REVERSE EU exit, blasts Rees-Mogg

Posted: April 3, 2018 at 10:13 pm   /   Entertainment

FURIOUS Brexit supporters have accused Remainer MPs on the Brexit committee of trying to reverse the referendum result by stealth by setting out a series of ultimatums in it latest report. Daily Express :: News Feed

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‘We are going to stop Brexit before it happens’ Remainer sends STERN warning to Brexiteers

Posted: March 29, 2018 at 10:19 am   /   Top Stories

REMAIN campaigner Madeleine Kay has sent a stern warning to Brexiteers promising anti-Brexit supporters will eventually win their battle to stop Britain leaving the EU in a year’s time. Daily Express :: News Feed

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‘A disastrous mistake’ Boris condemns Remainer plot to STOP Brexit in new push to leave EU

Posted: February 13, 2018 at 9:13 pm   /   Entertainment

BORIS Johnson will today hail Brexit as a cause for “hope not fear” in a passionate rallying cry for the country to unite behind the push to quit the EU. In a keynote speech in central London, the Foreign Secretary will set out his vision for an “outward-facing, liberal and global Britain” free of the […]

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Farage told ‘go back where you came from’ as Remainer storms Irexit speech waving EU flag

Posted: February 3, 2018 at 9:19 pm   /   Top Stories

A REMAINER waving a European Union flag stormed a speech by Nigel Farage today as the former Ukip leader told Ireland they had been “humiliated” by Brussels bosses and should follow Britain’s Brexit lead and leave. Daily Express :: News Feed

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BREXIT UNDER THREAT: Tory rebels and Remainer MPs head to Brussels to meet with Barnier

Posted: January 14, 2018 at 9:13 pm   /   Entertainment

LEADING Brexit rebels are heading to Brussels today to meet with the EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier as pressure grows on the Government to reconsider remaining in the single market and customs union. Daily Express :: News Feed

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Labour Remainer plot EXPOSED: Anti-Brexit MPs plot to change bill to STOP UK leaving EU

Posted: December 21, 2017 at 9:14 pm   /   Entertainment

DESPERATE Labour MPs have hatched a plot to change the Brexit Bill in a bid to revoke Article 50 and stop Britain leaving the EU. Daily Express :: News Feed

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BREXIT BETRAYAL: May loses key EU vote as Tory MPs defy Prime Minister in Remainer plot

Posted: December 13, 2017 at 9:19 pm   /   Top Stories

THERESA May is reeling after her first major Brexit defeat as rebel Tory MPs helped push through a crucial amendment. Daily Express :: News Feed

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EU Withdrawal Bill LIVE: Tory Remainer Ken Clarke BLASTS May’s ‘silly’ exit date amendment

Posted: November 14, 2017 at 9:19 am   /   Top Stories

THERESA May is facing a huge challenge this afternoon as MPs begin poring over the Government’s landmark Brexit legislation in the Commons. Daily Express :: News Feed

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