Health charity bids to reverse decision on pioneering breast cancer treatment
A HEALTH charity has started a petition against a controversial draft decision which may block a pioneering breast cancer treatment from being routinely available on the NHS. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Plot to keep Britain IN the EU: Lord Hain warns of Brussels plan to reverse Brexit vote
BRUSSELS is plotting to reverse the historic Brexit result and keep Britain in the EU. Daily Express :: News Feed

The anti-alcohol diet: What YOU can eat to reverse damaging effects
EVERYONE knows alcohol can have a detrimental impact on health, but experts have said the effect booze can have on the liver can be treated with a very specific diet. Daily Express :: Health Feed

‘There IS hope’ Could this be the first pill to reverse Alzheimer’s disease?
A NEW drug undergoing trials could be the first to reverse Alzheimer’s disease, researchers believe. Early tests of a once-a-day pill that gives the brain an energy boost have shown an “immediate impact”. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Alzheimer’s jab in FIVE years: Daily treatment will reverse effects of devastating disease
A CURE for Alzheimer’s with daily injections of a new drug could be just five years away. Daily Express :: Health Feed