Star Wars theory: Rey’s Skywalker connection ‘proven’ by Luke’s lost hand
STAR WARS hero Rey Skywalker may have had her connection to Luke Skywalker proven in the latest addition to the series, following Darth Vader’s discovery of a severed hand. Daily Express :: Films Feed

Star Wars 9 original plot saw Kylo Ren KILL Rey’s parents and a huge Palpatine SHOCK
STAR WARS 9 The Rise of Skywalker’s original plot by Colin Trevorrow saw Kylo Ren murder Rey’s parents, a shock for Palpatine, Force ghosts and a different title. Daily Express :: Films Feed

Star Wars 9 REVEALS Rey’s grandfather: Is THIS her grandmother in the Prequel Trilogy?
STAR WARS 9 The Rise of Skywalker just dropped a bombshell about Rey’s family. Which means this iconic Prequel Trilogy figure is her grandmother? Daily Express :: Films Feed

Star Wars 9: This HUGE revelation about Rey’s powers changes EVERYTHING
STAR WARS 9 The Rise of Skywalker hero Rey has divided fans but an extraordinary new revelation for The Rise of Skywalker changes everything and might finally mend that huge fan backlash. Daily Express :: Films Feed

Star Wars 9 Rise of Skywalker: Daisy Ridley ‘MORE to Rey’s parents’ PLUS Palpatine tease
STAR WARS 9 The Rise of Skywalker lead Daisy Ridley has said there’s more to Rey’s parents, plus Oscar Isaac teases Palpatine. Daily Express :: Films Feed

Star Wars 9 Rise of Skywalker LEAK? The truth of Rey’s parentage REVEALED?
STAR WARS 9 The Rise of Skywalker may have seen a leak revealing the truth of Rey’s parentage. Daily Express :: Films Feed

Star Wars 9 shock: Han is Rey’s FATHER? Fans outraged for Leia – What the Force
STAR WARS Rise of Skywalker fans have been going crazy that Han is Rey’s father and he cheated on Leia. Look at the facts as a major Star Wars figure speaks out today. Daily Express :: Films Feed

Star Wars 9: UPDATE on Rey’s parents – will JJ Abrams REALLY retcon THAT reveal?
STAR WARS fans had been wondering whether JJ Abrams would retcon the reveal of Rey’s parentage in the upcoming film. Daily Express :: Films Feed

Star Wars 9 leak reveals ‘big secret about Rey’s FATHER’ after Last Jedi fan backlash?
STR WARS 9 leaks describe two major scenes focussed on Rey and her father. Will this ‘course correct’ the Episode IX storyline after the fan backlash over The Last Jedi? Daily Express :: Films Feed

Star Wars 8 secret trailer SCREAM proves Rey’s GRANDFATHER is one of these two villains?
STAR WARS 8 fans spotted a secret scream in the Last Jedi trailer which reveals Rey’s grandfather is one of these two Star Wars villains. Daily Express :: Films Feed