Winds of Winter: Jon Snow’s bloody battle against Ramsay Bolton foreshadowed in AGOT
WINDS OF WINTER follows the thrilling final moments of A Dance With Dragons which told of Jon Snow receiving a menacing letter from Ramsay Bolton. The two bastard warriors will surely fight in the new book, The Winds of Winter, but the outcome of the battle may have already been teased in A Game of […]

Game of Thrones books theory: Source of Jon Snow’s super-human strength is dragon’s BLOOD
GAME OF THRONES books have seen Jon Snow exert unnaturally super-human strength, but is it down to dragon’s blood? Daily Express :: Books Feed

Game of Thrones Winds of Winter: Sam revealed to be Jon Snow’s BROTHER?
GAME OF THRONES Winds of Winter will bring major changes from the HBO TV show but how on Westeros will George RR Martin reveal Samwell Tarly is Jon’s brother and Daenerys’ nephew? Daily Express :: Books Feed

Game of Thrones: Jon Snow’s ending foreshadowed by George RR Martin in A Storm of Swords?
GAME OF THRONES has finished but was Jon Snow’s ending foreshadowed in A Storm of Swords? Daily Express :: Books Feed

Winds of Winter leak: Major character DEATH, Jon Snow’s future and MORE teased
THE WINDS OF WINTER, George RR Martin’s upcoming Game of Thrones book, has seen an insider leak some big teases. Daily Express :: Books Feed

Game of Thrones Jon Snow’s terrible fate: THIS character is key to how it all went wrong
GAME OF THRONES hero Jon Snow had a terrible fate but one character was the key to how it all went so horribly wrong. Daily Express :: Books Feed

Game of Thrones: Jon Snow’s devastating FATE was revealed in the very FIRST chapter
GAME OF THRONES author George RR Martin always knew how it would end and loaded the first chapter of Book One with hidden clues about Jon Snow. Daily Express :: Books Feed