Survey: 4 Out of 5 College Students Believe In Free Speech
(Photo: blogsellers) A newly-released Gallup Survey shows that while the majority of American college students support free speech on campus, many say that “hate speech” and speech meant to intentionally offend people based on a portion of their identities should be limited. The full report, conducted by Gallup for the John S. and James L. Knight […]
Demands Causing Australian Students to Avoid STEM Classes
(Photo: George Joch, Creative Commons) During the Data61 2016 conference in Sydney last week, educators and representatives of the ICT industry expressed their concern about the slow adoption of STEM subjects in Australian high schools. According to Australia’s Digital Pulse study quoted by Byron Connolly of CIO, Australia is experiencing a skill crisis with expected […]
Study: Teachers’ Low Expectations for Students of Color Detrimental
(Photo: Pixabay, Creative Commons) Educators often discuss the power of expectations, and the consensus is that if adults expect students to do well, then in many cases, the students will rise to higher levels. If the adults around the young people expect them to fail, that can also become a “self-fulfilling prophecy,” writes Emma Brown […]
Emory Students Protest Pro-Trump Chalk Markings
(Photo: The Tab) Students at Emory University have been rankled by pro-Donald Trump chalkings peppered across campus. Around 40 students protested the administration building, arguing that the university has not done enough to distance itself from these markings. “I’m supposed to feel comfortable and safe. But this man [Trump] is being supported by our students […]
ACT Launches 10th Grade Pre-ACT Test to Prep Students
(Photo: timlewisnm, Creative Commons) The company that created the ACT college admissions test is launching a new PreACT test intended for 10th graders, and ACT, Inc. is hoping the pre-test will: “… show students their areas of strength and where they need to improve. They also provide useful information about possible career paths and help inform important […]
University of San Diego Develops ‘To-Do’ Insight App for College Students
(Photo: Adrianna Calvo, Creative Commons) The University of San Diego has recently launched Insight, the first intelligent “to-do” application for students. The app is designed to assist multi-tasking millennials in being able to sync their academic and personal lives. The two main goals of the app are to help students become more organized and to provide […]
Report Shows Charter Schools Suspend Disabled, Minority Students More
(Photo: Creative Commons) According to a recent analysis of federal education data, charter schools are more likely to suspend black students and students with disabilities than their white and non-disabled peers. Performed by the Center for Civil Rights Remedies at the University of California, Los Angeles, a nonprofit organization for civil rights research and policy, […]
Catholic School Snubs Transgender Students on Policy
Alumni of the private Catholic school Mount Saint Charles Academy in Rhode Island are voicing their anger over the school’s exclusion of transgender students in the most recent edition of the school’s Parent-Student Handbook. The new admissions policy in the school appears to only single out transgender students for exclusion. While race, color, national origin […]
School Voucher Program Students Commit Fewer Crimes, Study Suggests
Researchers at the University of Arkansas performed an evaluation of a Milwaukee school voucher program, finding that students who make use of the program in order to enroll in private high schools are less likely to commit crimes than peers who attended public high schools. The results of the analysis are included in the paper, “The […]
New York City Struggling to Meet Students’ Special Needs, Report Says
Up to 40% of New York City public school students who qualify for special education services may not be getting them, according to the Education Department in a report issued this week. Even more concerning is the fact that the records were so inaccurate that the department could not adequately discern the percentage of students who […]