Back pain agony cure: One-off 10minute treatment helps cure lower back pain
MILLIONS of people who suffer the daily agony of lower back pain could be cured with a revolutionary treatment, it was revealed yesterday. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Cancer treatment: Chemotherapy is particularly effective at fighting THIS deadly type
TESTICULAR CANCER symptoms are treated very effectively with chemotherapy, and scientists have just discovered why. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Cancer treatment news: New thermotherapy development is ‘game changer’, claims scientist
CANCER could be one step closer to having a cure after scientists discovered a new way to kill cancerous cells. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Eczema treatment: These three cures can SOOTHE itchy skin condition
ECZEMA is a common skin condition which can cause red, itchy and dry skin. Here are three ways to relieve symptoms. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Could THIS psoriasis treatment revolutionise HOME remedies for the skin condition?
A PSORIASIS blue-light therapy treatment reduces symptoms of the skin condition in 84 per cent of patients, according to a survey. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Bowel cancer BREAKTHROUGH: New treatment is first non-toxic therapy
BOWEL cancer could be treated with a new drug that’s less toxic than any current therapy. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Arthritis pill: Daily intake of new treatment halts disabling bone loss and damage
A DAILY pill which halts the disabling bone loss caused by osteoarthritis is being hailed as a new dawn in the treatment of the disease. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Dementia treatment news: People with THIS gene have 12 times greater risk of Alzheimer’s
DEMENTIA rates are on the rise, but the condition still has no cure. However, scientists may be a step closer to a treatment after identifying a gene that increases Alzheimer’s risk. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Cancer treatment news: Starving cells of OXYGEN could destroy deadly tumours
CANCER remains a very deadly condition in the UK, but scientists have discovered a new way to fight tumours that is inspired by mountain climbers’ altitude training. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Arthritis treatment: Drug could be used to treat THIS mysterious condition
ARTHRITIS drug could be used to treat chronic itching, where sufferers have the urge to scratch ‘day and night’ according to scientists. Daily Express :: Health Feed