Garden fences can be painted in minutes using £1 tool that is ‘by far the fastest method’
This fence-painting tip has been praised for being the ‘fastest’ way to get the job done – and it only requires one cheap tool. Daily Express :: Health Feed

I fixed my puffy complexion in just 10 minutes using 1 common household item
It’s a cheaper alternative to investing in skincare and promises to de-puff your face in minutes. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Martin Lewis explains when air fryers aren’t cheaper than using an oven
Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis set out his ‘rule of thumb’ when using an air fryer instead of an oven. Daily Express :: Finance Feed

John Wayne ‘exploded in rage’ when caught using oxygen mask on set with Dean Martin
John Wayne was furious when caught using an oxygen mask on the set of The Sons of Katie Elder, but his co-star Dean Martin praised Duke’s tenacity on the picture. Daily Express :: Films Feed

Nutritionist warns people to stop using common sugar substitute and go back to sugar
A nutritionist has warned people to avoid constantly using sweeteners over sugar as she claims the former is ‘worse’ and can cause glucose spikes Daily Express :: Health Feed

Argos shoppers are grabbing huge Samsung TV discounts using very simple code
Argos has just launched a new deal that’s offering money off Samsung’s biggest TVs using an easy to remember code. Daily Express :: Tech Feed

Clean sofas and remove stains with quick fix using 20p kitchen staple
Ever wondered how to keep your sofa spotless without breaking the bank? A cleaning pro reveals a surprising hack using everyday kitchen items. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Shoppers using £16 anti-ageing cream notice ‘no more turkey neck’ in just ‘three days’
‘On turning 50 yrs old I was looking for a throat cream to get rid of my turkey neck – I’ve been using it for a couple of days and it’s amazing.’ Daily Express :: Style Feed

Argos shoppers race to get ultimate Galaxy Watch upgrade using very simple code
Fancy the ultimate Galaxy Watch upgrade? Argos may have just what you are looking for. Daily Express :: Tech Feed

I flew to New York and back for £100 using a nifty hack – it has transformed my holidays
It may sound inconceivable, but it is entirely possible to bag a return flight to and from the Big Apple for the same price as a UK train ticket. Daily Express :: Travel Feed