Martin Lewis issues urgent warning for those using a credit card amid coronavirus crisis
MARTIN LEWIS, the Money Saving Expert, appeared on This Morning today for an urgent coronavirus q&a. He gave this advice about credit cards. Are you relying on your card? Daily Express :: Finance Feed
Coronavirus: Using too much hand sanitiser could increase your risk of getting the virus
CORONAVIRUS preventative measures mainly consist of maintaining hygiene standards to reduce the risk of catching it because it spreads in a similar fashion to the common cold and flu. One of the main pieces of advice is to use hand sanitiser to stop the spread, but, conversely, using too much may heighten your risk. Daily […]
Cabin crew secrets: Airline insiders reveal the truth about using your phone mid-flight
PLANE travel comes with its own set of rules for passengers. One of the most well-known is the need to switch your phone to flight mode prior to taking off, though many people don’t know the real reason why. Airline insiders revealed all on Reddit. Daily Express :: Travel Feed
WhatsApp shock – Millions face a huge bill to continue using popular chat app
THERE’S a big month ahead for WhatsApp with the messaging service about to force millions to buy a new smartphone if they want to keep chatting to friends and family. Daily Express :: Tech Feed
Retirement and me: Woman with less than full state pension on how she avoids using savings
RETIREMENT AND ME is the series looking at how people are spending their time and money as they near and enter retirement. This week, a woman in her 70s, who has only her state pension and savings for retirement, explains why she doesn’t want to stop working any time soon. Daily Express :: Finance Feed
Breast cancer treatment: Scientists to fight disease using ultrasound
SCIENTISTS say they can fight breast cancer by using ultrasound. Doctors would inject minute cell-like bubbles of drugs to travel through the lymphatic system, where the disease spreads. Daily Express :: Health Feed
State pension age change: ‘Ashamed’ 50s woman ‘humiliated’ after using food banks
THE state pension age increase has inspired women to campaign for it to be put back to 60 as one campaigner revealed her “humiliation” and “shame” for having to go to food banks after working her whole life. Daily Express :: Finance Feed
Corbynista Sarkar mocked by panellists for using bizarre language in shock BBC QT first
CORBYNISTA Ash Sarkar was mocked by panellists for using very bizarre language on BBC One’s Question Time last night. Daily Express :: News Feed
Cruise ship passengers are polluting the sea by using too much SUN CREAM experts insist
CRUISE ship passengers have come under fire for using too much suncream in bizarre new claims. Experts have targeted the sea-loving tourists, particularly those moored on cruise ships in Palma, Mallorca, and told them they are polluting the waters by doing so – is this right? Daily Express :: Travel Feed