Tag: Weasley

Harry Potter: JK Rowling had a change of heart about permanently killing Ron Weasley
Posted: April 25, 2022 at 10:19 am / Movies
HARRY POTTER fans enjoyed seeing how the Deathly Hallows Part 1 and Part 2 came to an end but were left worrying when the titular hero was seemingly killed off. JK Rowling has since revealed she did want to kill one of the character’s sidekicks instead, Ron Weasley – permanently. Daily Express :: Films Feed

Harry Potter: Weasley twins actors detail how fans can see AXED Diagon Alley sets
Posted: September 4, 2020 at 10:19 am / Movies
HARRY POTTER fans will no doubt recall almost every screen from the iconic films which kickstarted a legacy. However the actors behind the hilarious Weasley twins, James and Oliver Phelps, have now divulged what scenes didn’t make it into the Chamber of Secrets, what scene they added in the Goblet of Fire, and indeed the […]

Harry Potter’s Rupert Grint sees hotel close after making a Weasley £2,000 in four years
Posted: January 11, 2016 at 5:20 pm / Travel
The guest house is shutting its door after failing to become a success Daily Express :: Travel Feed