Tag: yourselves

The global house price crash is here. Brace yourselves
Posted: April 21, 2023 at 10:22 am / Business
In Sweden, the property market has crashed. It’s the same story in Australia, Denmark, New Zealand and a host of other countries. So what about the UK? Daily Express :: Finance Feed

‘Vladimir Putin’ boasts he doesn’t need to interfere in US election –‘Doing it yourselves’
Posted: October 15, 2020 at 10:19 pm / World
AN INCENDIARY video has emerged which appears to show Russian president Vladimir Putin boasting he doesn’t need to interfere in the upcoming US presidential election as “you are doing it to yourselves”. Daily Express :: World Feed

‘GET OVER YOURSELVES’ Katie Hopkins’ very valid reason why she’s against Trump protests
Posted: January 22, 2017 at 9:13 am / Entertainment
KATIE HOPKINS has launched a seething attack protesters who participated in the Women’s March across the world on Saturday as she blasted they should “get over themselves”. Daily Express :: News Feed